Comment Sheet 1



Using the scale below, please rate questions one through five. Place the appropriate letter in the blank provided at the end of each question.

A.  strongly disagree

B.  disagree

C. neither agree nor disagree

D.  agree

E. strongly agree


1.  Because I received only minimal guidance from the instructor concerning the initial submission of essay number one, I struggled with the rough draft of the essay.     B

2.  I felt confident about my writing skills when I submitted my final draft of essay one.    D

3.  When I received my evaluated copy of essay number one, I was satisfied with my score.     D

4.  After reviewing the evaluated copy of essay number one, I recognized that many of the weaknesses pointed out were in areas with which I am familiar.      D

5.  I found peer review to be a valuable component of my writing process.      C

After comparing your rough draft to the evaluated final draft of essay one, you should be able to gauge the state of your writing skills at the start of the semester. Provide a well-structured paragraph in response to each of the following (two separate paragraphs).

How did the comparison help you to identify your writing strengths?

Primarily, the comparison helped me to identify my writing weaknesses which I could  learn from. I can almost say that I made weaknesses to my strenghts. Overal, I think I got more confident with using English. I can structure sentences much better than I used to and I also got better with using commas and articles. In my opinion, if I have a good topic, I can create very good essays with straight points.

How did the comparison help you to understand your writing weaknesses?

The comparison helped me a lot to better understand how I should stucture sentences, use grammar, commas and articles. I have been doing several grammatical mistakes such as mixing past and present in the same sentence when just past should have been used.

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